











金涛博士,“嘉锡学者”特聘教授,入选欧盟玛丽居里学者、福建省创新之星、江苏省双创人才、福建省百千万人才工程、福建省杰出青年科学基金、金山英才先进制造业领军人才等计划,担任bat365在线中国登录入口先进电气与轨道交通装备研究院院长、bat365在线中国登录入口先进电力技术(国际)研究中心主任。长期从事电力系统、新能源电力电子、先进电气与轨道交通装备技术方面研究,兼任英国工程技术学会会士IET Fellow、IEEE高级会员、中国电机工程学会高级会员等20多个学术职位,获得福建省科技进步一等奖(排名第1)、全球前2%顶尖科学家、福建电力技术杰出贡献奖、福建省优秀博士论文指导老师等多个奖项及荣誉。担任国际期刊ESTA联合主编,PCMP、MPCE、High Voltage、Scientific Reports、《中国测试》、《智慧电力》等其他8个SCI期刊及核心期刊编委,担任国际标准IEEE P3133等工作组成员。主讲博士生课程《现代测试技术与分析》、本科生课程《电气控制与PLC》等。近年来,金涛教授主持承担包括3项国际基金、3项国家基金、中央引导地方发展专项、中国中铁重大项目等在内的近50项课题,在智能电力监测、电力电子化电力系统、城市轨道交通新型供电技术等研究领域取得了突出的成绩。在国内外重要学术期刊上发表论文200余篇,其中在知名期刊上发表SCI/EI论文检索约150篇,以第一或者通讯作者在JCR一区期刊上发表论文58篇,高被引论文12篇、论文他引2300余次。申请国际和国家发明专利近100项,第一作者授权发明专利60项,已实现科研落地和产学研成果应用转化10项。













IEEE PES中国区2018年度人物,2018






英国工程技术学会会士IET Fellow




ESTA联合主编,PCMP、MPCE、High Voltage、Scientific Reports、《中国测试》、《智慧电力》等其他8个SCI期刊及核心期刊编委

IEEE PES福建Branch负责人

IEEE P3133国际标准工作组及多个国际国内标准技术委员会委员





IEEE PES中国区技术委员会委员


IEEE PES电力系统保护控制技术委员会专委会常务理事








  • 博士后(出站及在站):

陈挺(德国汉堡大学),Rodolfo C. C. Flesch(巴西),王彦钧(中国台湾),Daniel Legrand Mon Nzongo(喀麦隆),刘光曹(中国科技大学),Mohammed Abdelaziz(埃及),Abdollah Kavousi-Fard(伊朗),林淦斌(厦门大学),P.G. Ngome(喀麦隆)

  • 博士生(毕业及在读):

张程,段小华,Daniel Legrand Mon Nzongo,汤云东,仲启树,郑泽胤(闽台合作双联),P.G. Ipoum-Ngome,王秋杰,Fils Lingom,陈坚,Salisu Abdullahi,刘宇龙,张钟艺,郑熙东,李海滨,陈寅,崔宪阳,沈育龙



  • 承担的主要纵向项目

(1)欧盟FP7国际科研合作基金,Power System Wide-area GPS Synchronized Monitoring with Phasor Measurements and Low-Frequency Oscillation Mitigation Analysis,235880,项目负责



(4)国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,Electrical Harmonics and Peak to peak Current Ripple in Multilevel Converters for High-Power Electric Drive Systems : Analysis and Mitigations,51950410593,中方负责


(6)中央引导地方科技发展专项,计及电力电子化新型电力系统的能源路由器关键技术与装置研究, 2021L3005,项目负责

(7)福建省杰出青年科学基金,智能电网传感监测硬件设计与关键技术研究, 2012J06012,项目负责

(8) 国家自然科学基金青年项目,基于ESPRIT矩阵束的广域频率测量系统低频振荡模态辨识算法研究, 50907011,项目负责






  • 主持的部分横向课题












  • 2023年论文

[1] Pouyan Razmjoui, Abdollah Kavousi-Fard*, Tao Jin*, Morteza Dabbaghjamanesh, Mazaher Karimi, and Alireza Jolfaei. A Blockchain-Based Mutual Authentication Method to Secure the Electric Vehicles TPMS. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2023,DOI:10.1109/TII.2023.3257294. (SCI,影响因子11.648)

[2] Yulong Liu, Tao Jin*, Mohamed A. Mohamed*. A Novel Dual-Attention Optimization Model for Points Classification of Power Quality Disturbances. Applied Energy,2023, DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2023.121011. (SCI,影响因子11.446)

[3] Tao Jin*, Xu Yan , Haibin Li , Jiaqi Lin , Yusen Weng , Yiming Zhang*. A New Three-Winding Coupled Inductor High Step-Up DC/DC Converter Integrating With Switched-Capacitor Technique. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2023,38(11):14236-14248. (SCI,影响因子5.967)

[4] Xidong Zheng, Sheng Zou, Tao Jin*. A New Machine Learning-Based Approach for Cross-Region Coupled Wind-Storage Integrated Systems Identification Considering Electricity Demand Response and Data Integration: A New Provincial Perspective of China. Energy, 2023 DOI:10.1016/j.energy.2023.129141. (SCI,影响因子9.0)

[5] Mingfa Yang, Yusen Weng, Haibin Li, Jiaqi Lin, Xu Yan, Tao Jin *. A Novel Three-Winding Coupled Inductor-Based High Gain DC-DC Converter With Low Switch Stress and Continuous Input Current. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2023, DOI: 10.1109/TPEL.2023.3313796. (SCI,影响因子5.967)

[6] Zhongyi Zhang, Wei You, Huahan Wu, Huiqing Song, Tao Jin*. A Novel Bidirectional Three-Level LCL-T Resonant Converter Applied to On-Board ESHS Based on Quasi-Constant-Current. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, 2023, DOI:10.1109/TTE.2023.3298507. (SCI,影响因子7.0)

[7] Xidong Zheng, Feifei Bai, Zhiyuan Zhuang, Zixing Chen, Tao Jin*. A New Demand Response Management Strategy Considering Renewable Energy Prediction and Filtering Technology. Renewable Energy, 2023, 211:656-668. (SCI,影响因子8.7)

[8] Tao Jin*, Huiqing Song, P. G. Ipoum-Ngome, D. L. Mon-Nzongo*, Jinquan Tang, Minlong Zhu, Jose Rodriguez. Low Complexity Model Predictive Flux Control Based on Discrete Space Vector Modulation and Optimal Switching Sequence for Induction Motors[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2023, 71(1): 305-315. (SCI,影响因子8.162)

[9] Tao Jin*, XiaoSen Xiao, Zhongyi Zhang,WeixinWu,Yisheng Yuan, Xinkui Mao*. Hybrid Control for Three-Level LLC Resonant Converter of Dual-Bridge for Wide Output Range. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2023, 38(7):8612-8623. (SCI,影响因子5.967)

[10] Tao Jin* ,Jiaqi Lin, Haibin Li , Xu Yan, Yusen Weng, Xingkui Mao*. A Novel Three-Winding Coupled Inductor-Based High Step-up DC-DC Converter for Renewable Energy Application. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2023, 11(4):4477-4490. (SCI,影响因子5.462)

[11] Yulong Liu, Ding Yuan, Hongwei Fan, Tao Jin*, Mohamed A. Mohamed*. A Multidimensional Feature-Driven Ensemble Model for Accurate Classification of Complex Power Quality Disturbance. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023,72:1-13. (SCI,影响因子5.332)

[12] Tao Jin, Weixin Wu, Zhongyi Zhang, Xiaosen Xiao, Wei You. Optimal Design of Turn-off Switching Loss of Full-Bridge CLLC Converter [J]. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2023,11(3): 3302-3313 (SCI,影响因子5.462)

[13] Tao Jin, Huiqing Song, Daniel Legrand Mon Nzongo, Paul Gistain Ipoum Ngome, Huangzheng Liao, Minlong Zhu. Virtual Three-level Model Predictive Flux Control with Reduced Computational Burden and Switching Frequency for Induction Motors[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2023, 38(2): 1571-1582. (SCI,影响因子5.967)

[14] Yulong Liu, Ding Yuan, Zheng Gong, Tao Jin*, Mohamed A. Mohamed. Adaptive Spectral Trend Based Optimized EWT for Monitoring The Parameters of Multiple Power Quality Disturbances[J].International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2023, 146, 108797. (SCI,影响因子5.659)

[15] Zhongyi Zhang, Xiaosen Xiao, Wei You, Haibin Li, Tao Jin*. A Novel Bidirectional Wider Range of Boost-Buck Three-Level LCC Resonant Converter as an Energy Link[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2023, 38(2), 2143-2155(SCI,影响因子5.967)

[16] Yundong Tang, Jian Zou, Rodolfo C. C. Flesch, Tao Jin. Backflow modeling in nanofluid infusion and analysis of its effects on heat induced damage during magnetic hyperthermia.[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2023, 114, 583-600. (SCI,影响因子5.336)

[17] Yuzhen Xu, Xiangyang Dai, Zhongyi Zhang, Zhiwei Kang, Tao Jin*. A Novel Phase-Shift Pulse Width Modulation Method for Light-Load Bidirectional CLLC Resonant Converter[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2023, 38(3), 3257-3267. (SCI,影响因子5.967)

[18] Xidong Zheng, Zheng Gong, Ziqiang Liu, Zewen Li, Ding Yuan, Tao Jin*. Research on Start-stop standby energy storage element participating in wind power filtering under the influence of power quality disturbance[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2023, 145, 108631. (SCI,影响因子5.659)

[19] 张钟艺,金涛,肖晓森,戴向阳,吴维鑫.一种新型双向三电平倍流LCL-T谐振直流变换器[J].电力自动化设,2023,43(02):96-103+111. (EI检索)

[20] 龚正,邹阳,金涛,刘宇龙,兰名扬,刘梓强.基于特征融合并行优化模型的电能质量扰动分类方法[J].中国电机工程学报,2023,43(3): 1017-1027 (EI检索)


[1] Richeng Chen, Yaxi Yang, Tao Jin*. A Hierarchical Coordinated Control Strategy Based on Multi-Port Energy Router of Urban Rail Transit[J]. Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems, 2022, 7(1), 1-12. (SCI,影响因子10.5)

[2] Qiujie Wang, Tao Jin*, Mohamed A. Mohamed. A Fast and Robust Fault Section Location Method for Power Distribution Systems Considering Multisource Information[J]. IEEE Systems Journal, 2022, 16(2), 1954-1964. (SCI,影响因子4.802)

[3] Paul Gistain Ipoum-Ngome, Daniel Legrand Mon-Nzongo, Rodolfo C. C. Flesch, Jinquan Tang, Tao Jin*, Mengqi Wang, Chunyan Lai. Multi-Objective Model-free Predictive Control for Motor Drives and Grid-connected Applications: Operating With Unbalanced Multilevel Cascaded H-bridge Inverters[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2022, 38(3), 3014-3028. (SCI,影响因子5.967)

[4] Ding Yuan, Yulong Liu, Mingyan Lan, Tao Jin*, Mohamed A. Mohamed. A Novel Recognition Method for Complex Power Quality Disturbances Based on Visualization Trajectory Circle and Machine Vision[J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2022, 71,1-13. (SCI,影响因子5.332)

[5] Zhongyi Zhang, Tao Jin*, Xiaosen Xiao, Weixin Wu, Yishen Yuan. A Novel Bidirectional Five-Level Multimode CLLC Resonant Converter[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2022, 37(6), 6972-6985. (SCI,影响因子5.967)

[6] Richeng Chen, Yunzhi Lin, Tao Jin*. High-Speed Railway Pantograph-Catenary Anomaly Detection Method Based on Depth Vision Neural Network[J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2022, 71, 1-10. (SCI,影响因子5.332)

[7] Pascal Lingom, J. Song-Manguelle, Mamadou Lamine Doumbia, Rodolfo C. C. Flesch, Tao Jin*. Electrical Submersible Pumps: A System Modeling Approach for Power Quality Analysis With Variable Frequency Drives[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2022, 37(6), 7039-7054.(SCI,影响因子5.967)

[8] Paul Gistain Ipoum-Ngome, Rodolfo C. C. Flesch, Daniel Legrand Mon-Nzongo, Jinquan Tang, Tao Jin*, Mengqi Wang. Fault-Tolerant Model-Free Predictive Controller for Multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge Inverters With Faulty Cells[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2022, 69(12), 12225-12236. (SCI,影响因子8.162)

[9] Pouyan Razmjouei, Abdollah Kavousi-Fard, Morteza Dabbaghjamanesh, Tao Jin, Wencong Su. DAG based Smart Contract for Dynamic 6G Wireless EVs Charging System[J]. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 2022, 6(3),1459-1467. (SCI,影响因子3.525)

[10] Xidong Zheng, Tao Jin*. A Reliable Method of Wind Power Fluctuation Smoothing Strategy Based on Multidimensional Non-Linear Exponential Smoothing Short-Term Forecasting[J]. IET Renewable Power Generation, 2022, 16(16), 3573-3586. (SCI,影响因子3.034)

[11] Zixing Chen, Tao Jin*, Xidong Zheng, Yulong Liu, Zhiyuan Zhuang, Mohamed A. Mohamed. An Innovative Method-Based CEEMDAN–IGWO–GRU Hybrid Algorithm for Short-Term Load Forecasting[J]. Electrical Engineering, 2022, 104(5), 3137-3156. (SCI,影响因子1.630)

[12] Zhiyuan Zhuang, Xidong Zheng, Zixing Chen, Tao Jin*. A Reliable Short-Term Power Load Forecasting Method Based on VMD-IWOA-LSTM Algorithm.[J]. IEEJ Transactions on Electrical & Electronic Engineering, 2022, 17(8), 1121-1132. (SCI,影响因子0.923)

[13] Yundong Tang, Jian Zou, Rodolfo C.C Flesch, Tao Jin. Effect of Injection Strategy for Nanofluid Transport on Thermal Damage Behavior Inside Biological Tissue During Magnetic Hyperthermia.[J]. International Communications in Heat & Mass Transfer, 2022,133, 105979. (SCI,影响因子6.782)

[14] 陈梓行,金涛*,郑熙东,庄致远.基于新型日期映射法和ISGU混合模型的短期电力负荷预测[J].电力系统保护与控制,2022,50(15):72-80. (EI检索)

[15] 刘梓强,金涛*,刘宇龙,龚正,廖皇政,兰名扬.基于张量重构融合诊断的电动汽车直流充电桩开路故障诊断方法[J/OL].中国电机工程学报:1-13[2022-10-30].http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.2107. tm.20220518.1524.002.html (EI检索)

[16] 兰名扬,刘宇龙,金涛*,龚正,刘梓强.基于可视化轨迹圆和ResNet18的复合电能质量扰动类型识别[J].中国电机工程学报,2022,42(17):6274-6286. (EI检索)

  • 2021年论文

[1] Abdollah Kavousi-Fard, Morteza Dabbaghjamanesh, Tao Jin*, Wencong Su*, Mahmoud Roustaei. An Evolutionary Deep Learning-Based Anomaly Detection Model for Securing Vehicles[J]. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2021, 22(7), 4478-4486. (SCI,影响因子9.551)

[2] Salisu Abdullahi, Tao Jin*, Pascal Lingom. Robust Control Strategy for Inductive Parametric Uncertainties of DC/DC Converters in Islanded DC Microgrid[J]. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2021, DOI:10.35833/MPCE.2021.000241. (SCI,影响因子4.469)

[3] Pascal Lingom, J. Song-Manguelle, Rodolfo C. C. Flesch, Tao Jin*. A Generalized Single-Carrier PWM Scheme for Multilevel Converters[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2021, 36(10), 12112-12126. (SCI,影响因子5.967)

[4] Xidong Zheng, Tao Jin*. A reliable optimization method of hybrid energy storage system based on standby storage element and secondary entropy strategy[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2021,131(3), 107088. (SCI,影响因子5.659)

[5] Zeyin Zheng, Mou-Fa Guo*, Tao Jin*, JianHong Liu*. A novel method of insulation parameters measurement based on hybrid flexible arc suppression device in distribution networks[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2021,130, 106982. (SCI,影响因子5.659)

[6] Zhenchen Zhou, Zhou Wu, Tao Jin*. Deep reinforcement learning framework for resilience enhancement of distribution systems under extreme weather events[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2021,128(3), 106676. (SCI,影响因子5.659)

[7] Qiujie Wang, Tao Jin*, Mohamed A. Mohamed*, Dipankar Deb. A Novel Linear Optimization Method for Section Location of Single-Phase Ground Faults in Neutral Noneffectively Grounded Systems[J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2021, 70, 1-10. (SCI,影响因子5.332)

[8] Tao Jin, Yusheng Huang, Yunzhi Lin, Daniel Legrand Mon Nzongo. Model Predictive Current Control Based on Virtual Voltage Vector Method for Parallel Three-Level Inverters[J]. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2021, 9(5), 6049-6058. (SCI,影响因子5.462)

[9] Yulong Liu, Tao Jin*, Mohamed A. Mohamed*, Qiujie Wang. Novel Three-Step Classification Approach Based on Time-Dependent Spectral Features for Complex Power Quality Disturbances[J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2021, 70, 1-14. (SCI,影响因子5.332)

[10] Tao Jin, Yueling Chen, Jintao Guo, Mengqi Wang. An effective compensation control strategy for power quality enhancement of unified power quality conditioner[J]. Energy Reports, 2020, 6, 2167-2179. (SCI,影响因子4.937)

[11] Paul Gistain Ipoum Ngome, Daniel Legrand Mon Nzongo, Rodolfo C. C. Flesch, J. Song-Manguelle, Mengqi Wang, Tao Jin*. Model-Free Predictive Current Control for Multilevel Voltage Source Inverters[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021, 68(10), 9984-9997. (SCI,影响因子8.162)

[12] Pascal Lingom, Song-Manguelle, Daniel Legrand Mon Nzongo, Rodolfo C. C. Flesch, Tao Jin*. Analysis and Control of PV Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter With Failed Cells and Changing Meteorological Conditions[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2021, 36(2), 1777-1789. (SCI,影响因子5.967)

[13] Mohamed A. Mohamed, Tao Jin*, Wencong Su*. Multi-agent energy management of smart islands using primal-dual method of multipliers[J]. Energy, 2020, 208, 118306. (SCI,影响因子8.857)

[14] Q. Wang, J. Tao*, M. Wang. A Hierarchical Minimum Hitting Set Calculation Method for Multiple Multi-phase Faults in Power Distribution Networks[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2020, 2021,68(1):4-14.(SCI,影响因子8.162)

[15] Tao Jin, Feng Zhuo, Mohamed A. Mohamed. A Novel Approach Based CEEMDAN to Select Faulty Feeder in Neutral Resonant Grounded Distribution Systems[J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2020,69(7)4712-4721. (SCI,影响因子5.332

[16] Abdollah Kavousi-Fard, Wencong Su*, Tao Jin*, A Machine Learning Based Cyber Attack Detection Model for Wireless Sensor Networks in Microgrids[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics. 2021, 17(1):650-658. (SCI,影响因子11.648)

[17] 金涛,张可,陈坚.基于DWT-PNN的柔性直流输电系统故障检测方法[J].电力自动化设备,2021,41(07):144-151. (EI检索)

  • 2020年论文

[1] Qiujie Wang, Tao Jin*, Mohamed A. Mohamed, Ting Chen. A Minimum Hitting Set Algorithm with Pre-Judging Mechanism for Model-Based Fault Diagnosis in Distribution Networks[J]. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2020, 69(7):4702-4711.(SCI,影响因子5.332)

[2] Mohamed, Mohamed A., Tao Jin* and Wencong Su*. An Effective Stochastic Framework for Smart Coordinated Operation of Wind Park and Energy Storage Unit[J]. Applied Energy, 2020, 272, 115228. (SCI,影响因子11.446)

[3] Abdollah Kavousi-Fard, Wencong Su*, Tao Jin*, Behnaz Papari, A Two-Stage Stochastic Operation Framework for Optimal Management of Water-Energy Hub[J]. IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, 2019, 12(22): 5218-5228. (SCI,影响因子2.503)

[4] Mon-Nzongo, Daniel Legrand, Ipoum-Ngome, Paul Gistain, Flesch, Rodolfo C. C., Song-Manguelle, Joseph, Tao Jin, Jinquan Tang. Synchronous-Frame Decoupling Current Regulators for Induction Motor Control in Highpower Drive Systems: Modelling and Design[J]. IET Power Electronics,2020, 13(4):669-679. ( SCI,影响因子2.112)

[5] Z. Zheng, M. Guo*, N. Yang*, T. Jin*. Flexible Arc-Suppression Method Based on Improved Distributed Commutations Modulation for Distribution Networks[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2020, 116:105580. (SCI,影响因子5.659)

[6] Chen J, Li X, Mohamed MA, Jin T*. An Adaptive Matrix Pencil Algorithm Based-Wavelet Soft-Threshold Denoising for Analysis of Low Frequency Oscillation in Power Systems[J]. IEEE Access, 2020, 8: 7244-7255. ( SCI,影响因子3.476)

[7] Ze-Yin Zheng, Mou-Fa Guo*, Nien-Che Yang*, Tao Jin*. Single-Phase Flexible Arc Suppression Device Based on BSC-SOGI-PLL Method for Distribution Networks[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems , 2020,121:106100. (SCI,影响因子5.659)

[8] 陈坚,金涛*,朱星宇,李泽文,张可. 基于SOGWO的电力系统稳定器参数优化[J].电力系统保护与控制,2020,48(22):159-164. (EI检索)

[9] 金涛,苏见燊,张明扬. 基于混合式断路器的直流电网保护方案研究.电机与控制学报,2020,24(3):106-113. (EI检索)

[10] 陈坚, 刘思议, 金涛*. 基于SURE小波阈值消噪和MCEEMD-HHT的低频振荡分析. 高电压技术, 2020, 46(1): 151-160. (EI检索)

[11] 王秋杰,金涛,梅李鹏,刘军. 基于模型分层的配电网故障诊断方法.电力自动化设备,2020, 40(1): 73-79. (EI检索)

  • 2019年论文

[1] D. L. Mon-Nzongo, G. Ekemb,J. Song-Manguelle, P.G.Ipoum-Ngome, Tao Jin*, M. L. Doumbia. LCIs and PWM-VSIs for the Petroleum Industry: A Torque Oriented Evaluation for Torsional Analysis Purposes[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2019,34(9): 8956-8970.(SCI,影响因子5.967)

[2] Abdollah Kavousi Fard, Wencong Su, Jin Tao, Ameena Saad Al-Sumaiti, Haidar Samet,Abbas Khosravi. A Predictive KH-Based Model to Enhance the Performance of Industrial Electric Arc Furnaces[J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2019, 66(10):7976-7985.(SCI,影响因子8.162)

[3] Tao Jin, Xueyu Shen, Taixing Su, Rodolfo C.C. Flesch. Model Predictive Voltage Control Based on Finite Control Set with Computation Time Delay Compensation for PV Systems[J]. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 2019,34(1):330-338. (SCI,影响因子4.877)

[4] T. Jin*, J. Guo, M. A. Mohamed and M. Wang*. A Novel Model Predictive Control via Optimized Vector Selection Method for Common-Mode Voltage Reduction of Three-Phase Inverters[J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7: 95351-95363. (SCI,影响因子3.476)

[5] Zhao Zhen, Zhiming Xuan, Fei Wang*, Rongfu Sun, Neven Duić, Tao Jin. Image Phase Shift Invariance Based Multi-Transform-Fusion Method for Cloud Motion Displacement Calculation Using Sky Images[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 197: 111853. (SCI,影响因子11.533)

[6] Zheming Liang, Q Alsafasfeh, Tao Jin, Hajir Pourbabak, Wencong Su*. Risk-Constrained Optimal Energy Management for Virtual Power Plants Considering Correlated Demand Response[J]. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2019,10(2):1577-1587.(SCI,影响因子10.275)

[7] T. Jin*, Q. Li, M. A. Mohamed*. A Novel Adaptive EEMD Method for Switchgear Partial Discharge Signal Denoising[J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7:58139-58147. ( SCI,影响因子3.476)

[8] Paul Gistain Ipoum-Ngome, Daniel L. Mon-Nzongo, Joseph Song-Manguelle, Rodolfo C.C. Flesch, Tao Jin*. Optimal Finite State Predictive Direct Torque Control Without Weighting Factors for Motor Drive Applications[J]. IET Power Electronics , 2019,12(6):1434-1444. ( SCI,影响因子2.112)

[9] Paul Ipoum-Ngome, Daniel Mon-Nzongo, Rodolfo Flesch, Joseph Song-Manguelle, Mengqi Wang*, Tao Jin*. Model Predictive Current Control based on Generalized Adjacent Voltage Vectors Approach for Multilevel Inverters[J]. IET Power Electronics, I2019, 12(13): 3590-3599. ( SCI,影响因子2.112)

[10] M. A. Mohamed, A. Diab, H. Rezk, Tao Jin. A Novel Adaptive Model Predictive Controller for Load Frequency Control of Power Systems Integrated With DFIG Wind Turbines[J]. Neural Computing and Applications, 2019, DOI: 10.1007/s00521-019-04205-w. (SCI,影响因子5.102)

[11] Yen-Chun Wang, Zhe-Yang Huang, Tao Jin*. A 2.35/2.4/2.45/2.55 GHz Low-Noise Amplifier Design Using Body Self-Biasing Technique for ISM and LTE Band Application[J]. IEEE Access, 2019, 7:183761-183769. ( SCI, 影响因子3.476)

[12] Ze-yin Zheng, Moufa Guo, Nien-che Yang*, Tao Jin. FASD Based on BSC Method for Distribution Networks[J]. IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 2019, 13 (24):5487-5494. (SCI,影响因子2.503)

[13] Yundong Tang, Tao Jin*, Rodolfo C.C. Flesch. Numerical Method to Evaluate The Survival Rate of Malignant Cells Considering the Distribution of Treatment Temperature Field for Magnetic Hyperthermia. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2019, DOI:10.1016/j.jmmm.2019.165458. (SCI,影响因子3.097)

[14] 王秋杰,金涛*,申涛,朱绍杰,刘随阳.利用多因素降维的配电网区段定位完全解析模型.电工技术学报,2019,34(14):3012-3024. (EI检索)

[15] 金涛,沈学宇,苏泰新,郭敬东.不平衡电网下并网逆变器的模型预测电流限幅灵活控制.电工技术学报,2019, 34(11):2342-2353.  (EI检索)

[16] 刘思议,张程,金涛*.基于相邻系数TQWT与改进TLS-ESPRIT算法的电力系统低频振荡模态辨识.高电压技术,2019,45(3):890-898. (EI检索)

[17] 金涛,沈学宇,苏泰新,郭敬东.三电平逆变器的改进无模型预测电流控制.电力自动化设备,2019,39(4):86-91+113. (EI检索)

[18] 王秋杰, 金涛*,刘军.计及FTU漏报和误报的配电网故障定位分层解析模型.电力自动化设备,2019,39(1):141-147. (EI检索)

  • 2018年论文

[1] J. Song-Manguelle, G. Ekemb, D. L. Mon-Nzongo, Tao Jin*, M. L. Doumbia. A Theoretical Analysis of Pulsating Torque Components in AC Machines with Variable Frequency Drives and Dynamic Mechanical Loads. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2018,65(12):9311-9324.(SCI,影响因子8.162)

[2] D. L. Mon-Nzongo, P. G. Ipoum-Ngome, Tao Jin*, and J. Song-Manguelle. An Improved Topology for Multipulse AC/DC Converters within HVDC and VFD Systems: Operation in Degraded Modes. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2018,65(5):3646-3656.(SCI,影响因子8.162)

[3] Taixin Su, Mingfa Yang, Tao Jin*, Rodolfo C.C. Flesch. A Novel Power Harmonic and Interharmonic Detection Method in Renewable Power Based on Nuttall Double-Window All-Phase FFT Algorithm. IET Renewable Power Generation, 2017, 12:953-961. (SCI,影响因子3.034)

[4] Yundong Tang, Rodolfo C. C. Flesch, Tao Jin*. Injection Strategy for The Optimization of Therapeutic Temperature Profile Considering Irregular Tumors in Magnetic Hyperthermia. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2018, DOI: 10.1109/TMAG.2018.2808206. (SCI,影响因子1.848)

[5] Tao Jin, Xueyu Shen. A Mixed WLS Power System State Estimation Method Integrating a Wide-Area Measurement System and SCADA Technology. Energies,2018, 11(2):1-22.(SCI,影响因子3.252)

[6] Yun-dong Tang, Rodolfo C.C. Flesch, Cheng Zhang, Tao Jin*. Numerical Analysis of The Effect of Non-Uniformity of The Magnetic Field Produced by A Solenoid on Temperature Distribution During Magnetic Hyperthermia, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2018, 449: 455-460.(SCI,影响因子3.097)

[7] 王秋杰,金涛*,谭洪,李振兴. 基于分层模型和智能校验算法的配电网故障定位技术,电工技术学报,2018, 33(22):5327-5337. 仪器仪表学报

[8] 仲启树, 唐志军, 金涛*. 基于部分左特征结构配置的电力系统优化阻尼控制. 电工技术学报, 2018, 33(13):3012-3022.(EI检索)

[9] 金涛,许立彬,高伟,郭谋发,陈永往. 一种基于LCD-Hilbert变换和奇异谱熵的配电网暂时过电压类型识别.电机与控制学报,2018,22(11):26-36. (EI检索)

[10] 金涛,刘页.多路SPWM波形发生器设计及验证方法.仪器仪表学报,2018,39(7):208-216. (EI检索)

  • 2017年论文

[1] Tao Jin, Siyi Liu, Rodolfo C.C. Flesch, Wencong Su. A Method for the Identification of Low Frequency Oscillation Modes in Power Systems Subjected to Noise. Applied Energy , 2017, 206:1379-1392.(SCI,影响因子11.446)

[2] Daniel Legrand Mon-Nzongo, Tao Jin, Gabriel Ekemb, Laurent Bitjoka. Decoupling Network of Field-Oriented Control in Variable-Frequency Drives. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2017,64(7):5746-5750(SCI,影响因子 8.162)

[3] Tao Jin, Siyi Liu, Rodolfo C.C. Flesch. Mode Identification of Low Frequency Oscillations in Power Systems Based on Fourth Order Improved TLS-ESPRIT Algorithm. IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 2017, 11(15):3739-3748.(SCI,影响因子2.503)

[4] He Pan, Hailing Zhang, Junhui Lai, Xiaoxin Gu, Jianjun Sun, Jing Tang*, Tao Jin*. Integration of Thermocouple Microelectrode in The Scanning Electrochemical Microscope at Variable Temperatures: Simultaneous Temperature and Electrochemical Imaging and Its Kinetic Studies. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7:43685. (SCI,影响因子4.996)

[5] Yundong Tang, Rodolfo C.C. Flesch, Tao Jin*. A Method for Increasing The Homogeneity of The Temperature Distribution During Magnetic Fluid Hyperthermia With A Fe-Cr-Nb-B Alloy in The Presence of Blood Vessels. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2017,432:330-335. (SCI,影响因子3.097)

[6] Yundong Tang, Rodolfo C.C. Flesch, Tao Jin*. Numerical Analysis of Temperature Field Improvements Designed to Achieve Critical Power Dissipation in Magnetic Hyperthermia. J APPL PHYS, 2017, 122 (3) :1653-1172.(SCI,影响因子2.877)

[7] Yundong Tang, Tao Jin*, Rodolfo C.C. Flesch. Numerical Temperature Analysis of Magnetic Hyperthermia Considering Nanoparticle Clustering and Blood Vessels. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2017,53(10): 1-6. (SCI,影响因子1.848)

[8] Tao Jin, Yiyang Chen, Rodolfo César Costa Flesch. A Novel Power Harmonic Analysis Method Based on Nuttall-Kaiser Combination Window Double Spectrum Interpolated FFT Algorithm. Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2017,68(6):435-443.(SCI,影响因子1.528)

[9] 金涛,刘对. 基于广义形态滤波与改进矩阵束的电力系统低频振荡模态辨识研究. 电工技术学,2017, 32(6):3-13. (EI检索)

[10] 金涛,陈毅阳,段小华,唐晓艳.基于改进DFT的电力系统同步相量测量算法研究.电工技术学报,2017,32(17):1-10. (EI检索)

[11] 金涛,刘对.基于改进去噪性能的Prony算法电网低频振荡模态辨识研究.电机与控制学报,2017,21(5):33-41. (EI检索)

[12] 张程, 金涛*. 考虑噪声的电力系统低频振荡辨识方法. 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2017, 45(04): 90-96. (EI检索)

[13] 刘思议,金涛*,刘对.基于改进小波阈值去噪和RCRSV-MP的电力系统低频振荡模态辨识研究.电力自动化设备,2017,37(8):166-172. (EI检索)



[1] 金涛,郑熙东,庄致远. 基于备用储能元件和二次熵值的混合储能系统优化方法. 授权时间2022.8.12, 发明专利,ZL202110330965.7.

[2] 金涛,刘宇龙. 基于智能电表动态测量点的配网状态估计方法. 授权时间2022.4.19, 发明专利,ZL2020109852021.

[3] 金涛,李强广,李泽文,苏文聪. 一种基于ip-iq法和相控投切技术的电网无功补偿的方法. 授权时间2020.11.10, 发明专利,ZL201711385607.6

[4] 金涛,刘思议,刘对,张程.一种基于四阶混合平均累积量与改进TLS-ESPRIT算法的低频振荡模态辨识. 授权时间2020.3.10,发明专利,ZL201710211635.X

[5] 金涛,苏见燊,魏海斌,宗戈.一种背靠背转换器的分布式模型预测控制方法. 授权时间2019.10.15,发明专利,ZL201710163794.7

[6] 金涛,苏泰新,刘思议,宗戈.一种含延时补偿的有限集模型预测电压控制方法. 授权时间2019.10.15,发明专利,ZL201710255639.8

[7] 金涛,刘对,沈学宇,刘页.一种基于AFSA-BFO算法的电力系统PSS参数整定方法. 授权时间2019.9.13,发明专利,ZL201710255640.0

[8] 金涛,刘页,宗戈,魏海斌. 一种基于改进粒子群优化算法的异步电机参数辨识方法. 授权时间2019.8.9,发明专利,ZL201710163793.2

[9] 金涛,宗戈,苏见燊,鲁道夫. 凯撒. 科斯塔. 弗莱施.一种HVDC和VFD系统中多脉冲AC/DC转换器的改进拓扑及其实现方法. 授权时间2019.4.2,发明专利,ZL201710269322.X

[10] 金涛,苏泰新,杨明发,许立彬. 一种基于Nuttall双窗全相位FFT的谐波间谐波检测方法. 授权时间2019.1.22,发明专利,ZL201610852535.0


