
undefined 姓名:DANIEL LEGRAND MON NZONGO (中文名 宗戈)


2007-2012,喀麦隆Douala University, 电力电子,学士/硕士






Daniel博士于2021年7月被bat365在线中国登录入口特聘为全职副教授,也是bat365在线中国登录入口第一个自主培养的博士、博士后而留校全职工作的外国专家。Daniel博士对学科前沿具有非常敏锐的洞察力,作为最主要的研发者研发了大功率电力电子变压器系统并成功实现原型系统,并主持完成国家自然科学基金委外国青年学者研究基金项目(编号51950410593),入选中国科技部外国青年人才计划(编号QNJ20200220005),作为研发负责人负责明珠电气企业横向项目1项(总经费200万元),是国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号51977039)的主要研发人员。Daniel博士也具有非常好的科学素质和探索精神,获得众多专家的肯定与赞扬,相继荣获“bat365在线中国登录入口研究生年度风云人物”、国家奖学金、最佳论文奖等荣誉,2017年获得教育部优秀来华留学生奖(全国比例600/40万)。在本学科国际顶级期刊IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics、 IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics等发表论文约20篇,授权国家发明专利4个。









IEEE Member

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics

Student Representative for Industrial Electronics Group of ECE (2010-2012)


1. 国家自然科学基金国际合作基金,Research and Development of a High-frequency Power Supply for Railway applications,外方主持,24万

2. 中铁电气化局集团公司项目,A Functional Design and Prototype Development of an Energy Router System for Rail Transit Systems,排名第二及主研,99万

3. 明珠电气集团项目,Research and Development of a 125 kVA, 1 kV, 1 kHz Power Supply System based on a 3-level Neutral Point Piloted Converter for Testing Future 10 kV Solid-State Transformers,主持,200万


[1] Mon-Nzongo, Daniel Legrand, Ipoum-Ngome, Paul Gistain, Flesch, Rodolfo C. C., Song-Manguelle, Joseph, Tao Jin, Jinquan Tang. Synchronous-Frame Decoupling Current Regulators for Induction Motor Control in Highpower Drive Systems: Modelling and Design. IET Power Electronics,2020, 13(4):669-679. ( SCI,影响因子2.839)

[2] D. L. Mon-Nzongo, G. Ekemb,J. Song-Manguelle, P.G.Ipoum-Ngome, Tao Jin, M. L. Doumbia. LCIs and PWM-VSIs for the Petroleum Industry: A Torque Oriented Evaluation for Torsional Analysis Purposes. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2019,34(9): 8956-8970.(SCI一区,影响因子7.224)

[3] Paul Gistain Ipoum-Ngome, Daniel L. Mon-Nzongo, Joseph Song-Manguelle, Rodolfo C.C. Flesch, Tao Jin*. Optimal Finite State Predictive Direct Torque Control Without Weighting Factors for Motor Drive Applications. IET Power Electronics , 2019,12(6):1434-1444. ( SCI,影响因子2.839)

[4] Paul Ipoum-Ngome, Daniel Mon-Nzongo, Rodolfo Flesch, Joseph Song-Manguelle, Mengqi Wang*, Tao Jin*. Model Predictive Current Control based on Generalized Adjacent Voltage Vectors Approach for Multilevel Inverters. IET Power Electronics, 2019, DOI: 10.1049/iet-pel.2018.5916. ( SCI,影响因子2.839)

[5] D. L. Mon-Nzongo, P. G. Ipoum-Ngome, Tao Jin*, and J. Song-Manguelle. An Improved Topology for Multi-pulse AC/DC Converters within HVDC and VFD Systems: Operation in Degraded Modes. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2018,65(5):3646-3656.(SCI一区,影响因子7.503)

[6] Daniel Legrand Mon-Nzongo, Tao Jin, Gabriel Ekemb, Laurent Bitjoka. Decoupling Network of Field-Oriented Control in Variable-Frequency Drives. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2017,64(7):5746-5750(SCI一区,影响因子 7.503)

[7] Tao Jin, Haibin Wei, Daniel Legrand Mon-Nzongo, Yizhen Zhang. Model Predictive Control Strategy for NPC Grid-connected Inverters in Unbalanced Grids. Electronics Letters, 2016,52(14):2454-2463. (SCI,影响因子 1.343)

[8] P. G. Ipoum-Ngome, D. L. Mon-Nzongo, R. C. C. Flesch, J. Song-Manguelle, M. Wang and J. Tao Title: Model-free Predictive Current Control for Multilevel Voltage Source Inverters. Publisher: IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2020.3028822. Link: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9219136

[9] P. M. Lingom, J. Song-Manguelle, D. L. Mon-Nzongo, R. C. C. Flesch and T. Jin, Title: Analysis and Control of PV Cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Inverter With Failed Cells and Changing Meteorological Conditions. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 1777-1789, Feb. 2021, doi: 10.1109/TPEL.2020.3009107. Link: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9140428

[10]J. Song-Manguelle, G. Ekemb, D. L. Mon-Nzongo, P. G. Ipoum-Ngome, Tao Jin, Mamadou L. Doumbia. Title: A Theoretical Analysis of Pulsating Torque Components in AC Machines with Variable Frequency Drives and Dynamic Mechanical Loads. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2018, 65(12): 9311-9324. Link: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8331903.


[1] Jin Tao, Liu Ye, D.L. Mon-Nzongo (宗戈), Wei Haibin. An asynchronous motor parameter identification method based on improved particle swarm optimization algorithm. 2019.8.9, invention patent, ZL201710163793.2.

[2] Jin Tao, Su Jianshen, Wei Haibin, D.L. Mon-Nzongo (宗戈). A distributed model predictive control method for back-to-back converters. 2019.10.15, invention patent, ZL201710163794.7.

[3] Jin Tao, Su Taixin, Liu Siyi, D.L. Mon-Nzongo (宗戈). A finite set model predictive voltage control method with delay compensation. 2019.10.15, invention patent, ZL201710255639.8.

[4] Tao Jin, D.L. Mon-Nzongo (宗戈), Su Jianyi, Flesch R. An Improved Topology of AC/DC converter for HVDC and VFD Systems. Application number: 201710269322X.



