

 电子邮件: ruochen_huang @fzu.edu.cn


2014.9~2018.7 华北电力大学(北京) 电气工程及其自动化专业 学士

2016.9~2018.7 英国曼彻斯特大学 电气与电子工程专业 学士

2018.9~2021.11 英国曼彻斯特大学 电气与电子工程专业 博士

2022.7~至今 bat365在线中国登录入口 bat365在线中国登录入口

2022.8  入选bat365在线中国登录入口旗山学者(海外项目)


Measurement, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement等期刊的审稿人;福建省高校电工学研究会理事


1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,基于宽频涡流的飞机弯曲金属管路缺陷快速原位检测

2. bat365在线中国登录入口科研启动项目,金属管路缺陷的电磁无损检测理论与方法研究

3. 福建省科技重大专项,“光伏-储能-V2G”多能互补系统研制及产业化

4. 福建省科技重大专项,新能源高渗透率的园区综合能源利用关键技术与示范应用

5. 福建省教育厅中青年教师教育科研项目,基于数据驱动和冲击响应特性的电池状态快速估计


[1] R. Huang, Z. Xia, M. Lu, Z. Zhang, Q. Lin, W. Yin, “Model-based cylinder radius and permeability estimation using eddy current testing”, Measurement, vol. 220, 2023.

[2] L. Xiong, Z. Xia, R. Huang, S. Wang, et al., “Through Thickness Inspection of Layered Magnetic Material Using Pulsed Eddy-Current Testing,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 72, pp. 1-9, 2023.

[3] Z. Xia, R. Huang, M. Lu and W. Yin, “Thickness and Permeability Estimation of Metallic Plates by Triple-Frequency Eddy-Current Testing with Probe Lift-Off,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 73, pp. 1-8, Dec. 2023.

[4] R. Huang, M. Lu, Z. Chen, Y. Shao, Z. Xia, G. Hu, A. Peyton, W. Yin, “A novel acceleration method for crack computation using finite element analysis in eddy current testing”, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, pp. 1-1, 2022.

[5] R. Huang, M. Lu, Z. Chen, and W. Yin, “Reduction of Coil-Crack Angle Sensitivity Effect Using a Novel Flux Feature of ACFM Technique” Sensors, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 201. 2022.

[6] G. Hu, R. Huang, M. Lu, L. Zhou, W. Yin, “Measurement of radius of a metallic ball using eddy current testing based on peak frequency difference feature,” Measurement, vol. 184, 2021.

[7] R. Huang, M. Lu, A. Peyton, W. Yin, “Thickness measurement of metallic plates with finite planar dimension using eddy current method,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 69, no. 10, pp. 8424-8431, Oct. 2020.

[8] R. Huang, M. Lu, A. Peyton, W. Yin, “A Novel Perturbed Matrix Inversion Based Method for the Acceleration of Finite Element Analysis in Crack-Scanning Eddy Current NDT,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, 2020.

