

 电子邮件: lidongfang @fzu.edu.cn


2010.9-2014.6   南京航空航天大学    本科

2014.9-2021.3   北京理工大学   兵器科学与技术   博士

2021.6-现在 bat365在线中国登录入口 bat365在线中国登录入口 讲师,硕士生导师

2022.3-现在 上海交通大学  管理科学与工程   博士后

2023.9-现在 bat365在线中国登录入口 bat365在线中国登录入口 校聘副教授

2024.1-现在 香港理工大学  机械工程  “香江学者”计划博士后


[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目:面向水下崎岖地形辅助探测的仿生蛇机器人流固耦合与自适应控制研究(62303117),2024-01至2026-12,在研,主持


[3] 中国博士后第71批面上(一等)资助,面向输油管道检测应用的蛇行机器人流固耦合建模与运动控制研究(2022M710093),2022.10-2024.09,在研,主持

[4] 福建省省高校重点实验室开放课题,基于水下机器人提高水产养殖效率的机理研究(AMICM202102),2022.1-2023.12,在研,主持


[1] Dongfang Li, Binxin Zhang, Yang Xiu, Hongbin Deng, Miaomiao Zhang, Wei Tong, Rob Law, Guangyu Zhu*, Edmond Q. Wu*, and Limin Zhu. Snake robots play an important role in social services and military needs. Innovation, 3(6): 100333, 2022. (Cell Press, IF= 32.1, Commentary)

[2] Dongfang Li, Yilong Zhang, Ping Li*, Rob Law, Zhengrong Xiang, Xin Xu, Li-Min Zhu, Edmond Q. Wu*. Position errors and interference prediction-based trajectory tracking for snake robots. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 10(9): 1810-1821, 2023. (中科院一区TOP, IF=11.8)

[3] Dongfang Li, Linlin Zeng, Yang Xiu*, Zhenhua Pan, Dali Zhang*, Hongbin Deng. Sideslip elimination and coefficient approximation-based trajectory tracking control for snake robots. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 19(8): 8754-8764, 2023. (中科院一区TOP, IF=12.3)

[4] Dongfang Li, Yilong Zhang, Wei Tong, Ping Li, Rob Law, Xin Xu, Li-Min Zhu, Edmond Q. Wu*. Anti-disturbance path-following control for snake robots with spiral motion. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 19(12): 11929-11940, 2023. (中科院一区TOP, IF=12.3)

[5] Dongfang Li, Binxin Zhang, Rob Law, Edmond Q. Wu*, Xin Xu. Error constrained-formation path-following method with disturbance elimination for multi-snake robots. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 71(5): 4987-4998, 2024. (中科院一区TOP, IF=7.7)

[6] Dongfang Li, Zhenhua Pan*, Hongbin Deng, Lingyan Hu. Adaptive path following controller of a multijoint snake robot based on the improved serpenoid curve. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 69(4): 3831-3842, 2022. (中科院一区TOP, IF=7.7)

[7] Dongfang Li, Binxin Zhang, Ping Li, Edmond Q. Wu*, Rob Law, Xin Xu, Aiguo Song, Li-Min Zhu. Parameter estimation and anti-sideslip line-of-sight method-based adaptive path-following controller for a multijoint snake robot. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, 53(8): 4776-4788, 2023. (中科院一区TOP, IF= 8.7)

[8] Dongfang Li, Jiechao Zhou, Yanwei Huang*, Dali Zhang*, Ping Li, Rob Law, Aiguo Song. Integral line of sight guidance scheme-based tracking method for snake robots. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Early Access, DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2023.3327958, 2023. (中科院二区TOP, IF= 5.6)

[9] Dongfang Li, Jiechao Zhou, Jie Huang, Dali Zhang*, Ping Li*, Rob Law, Edmond Q. Wu. State prediction and anti-interference-based flight path-following for UAV. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24(12): 15236-15247, 2023. (中科院一区TOP, IF=8.5)

[10] Dongfang Li, Hongbin Deng, Zhenhua Pan, Yang Xiu*. Collaborative obstacle avoidance algorithm of multiple bionic snake robots in fluid based on IB-LBM. ISA Transactions, 122:271-280, 2022. (中科院一区TOP, IF=7.3)

[11] Zhenhua Pan, Zhongqi Sun, Hongbin Deng, Dongfang Li*(Corresponding author). A multilayer graph for multiagent formation and trajectory tracking control based on MPC algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 52(12): 13586-13597, 2022. (中科院一区TOP, IF=11.8)

[12] Yang Xiu, Dongfang Li*(Corresponding author), Miaomiao Zhang, Hongbin Deng, Rob Law, Yun Huang*, Edmond Q. Wu, Xin Xu. Finite-time sideslip differentiator-based LOS guidance for robust path following of snake robots. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 10(1): 239-253, 2023. (中科院一区TOP, IF=11.8)

[13] Yang Xiu, Dongfang Li*(Corresponding author), Hongbin Deng, Rob Law, Edmond Q. Wu*, Li-Min Zhu. Collision avoidance regulations-compliant orientation guidance and maneuvering control approach for snake robots. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Early Access, DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2023.3342304, 2023. (中科院一区TOP, IF=7.7)

[14] Yang Xiu, Dongfang Li*(Corresponding author), Hongbin Deng, Shan Jiang, Edmond Q. Wu*. Path-following based on fuzzy line-of-sight guidance for a bionic snake robot with unknowns. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 28(6): 3167-3179, 2023. (中科院一区TOP, IF=6.4)

[15] Edmond Q. Wu*, Zhengtao Cao, Poly Z.H. Sun*, Dongfang Li*(Corresponding author), Rob Law, Xin Xu, Li-Min Zhu, Mengsun Yu. Inferring cognitive state of pilot’s brain under different maneuvers during flight. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(11): 21729-21739, 2022. (中科院一区TOP, IF=8.5)

[16] Dongfang Li, Zhenhua Pan, Hongbin Deng*, Teng Peng. 2D underwater obstacle avoidance control algorithm based on IB-LBM and APF method for a multi-joint snake-like robot. Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, 98(3): 771-790, 2020. (中科院三区SCI, IF=3.3)

[17] Dongfang Li, Zhenhua Pan, Hongbin Deng*. Two-dimensional obstacle avoidance control algorithm for snake-like robot in water based on immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann method and improved artificial potential field method. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 42(10): 1840-1857, 2020. (中科院四区SCI, IF=1.8)

[18] 李东方,杨弘晟,邓宏彬,黄捷*. 蛇形机器人跟踪误差预测的自适应轨迹跟踪控制器,仪器仪表学报, 42(11):267-278, 2021. (EI期刊)

[19] 李东方,邓宏彬*,潘振华,王超. 基于改进蛇形曲线的蛇形机器人在流场中避障的轨迹跟踪控制律. 机器人, 41(4): 433-442, 2019. (EI期刊) 该论文获评科技部牵头组织的2021年度“中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文”(即“F5000计划”)(S004201904002)

[20] 李东方,李科伟,邓宏彬*,潘振华,危怡然,王超. 基于人工势场与IB-LBM的机器蛇水中2D避障控制算法. 机器人, 2018, 40(3): 346-359. (EI期刊)

[21] 李东方,王超,邓宏彬*,李科伟. 基于人工势场和RRT算法的机器蛇水下三维避障算法. 兵工学报, (s1): 205-214, 2017.

[22] 修杨; 邓宏彬; 危怡然; 李东方*(通信作者). 基于参数估计的四旋翼无人机自适应鲁棒路径跟随控制器,兵工学报, 43(8):1926-1938, 2022. (EI期刊)


[1] 李东方,周志昊,刘培君,危怡然,邓宏彬,潘振华. 用于多关节蛇形机器人在水下避障的浸入边界控制方法. ZL201910046085.X (发明专利)

[2] 李东方,胡玲燕,周麦青. 基于改进LOS方法的蛇形机器人自适应轨迹跟踪控制器设计方法. ZL202011529951.X (发明专利)

[3] 李东方,胡玲燕,周麦青. 基于改进Serpenoid曲线的多关节蛇形机器人自适应轨迹跟踪控制器设计方法. ZL202011529953.9 (发明专利)

[4] 李东方,黄捷,陈宇韬,杨弘晟. 基于跟踪误差和时变系数预测的蛇形机器人自适应路径跟随控制器及其设计方法. ZL202110841288.5 (发明专利)

[5] 李东方,舒领,危怡然,刘恒一,邓宏彬. 一种周期性姿态调整的机器人运动控制方法. ZL202010164437.4 (发明专利)

[6] 李东方,黄捷,陈宇韬,田国庆. 基于滑模控制的四旋翼无人机参数预测和扰动的自适应轨迹跟踪控制器及其设计方法. ZL202110841286.6 (发明专利)

